lunedì 30 novembre 2009

La Malaeducacion - Pellicula de Pedro Almodòvar

Candy Darling

Candy Darling famous photo. SSSSo chich!

Come play with us Danny! Forever!

Stanley Kubrick "The SHINING"
Masterpiece horror


Some Manga porn work: Japan gay power!


I'm so Retro!!!!!

Luxury and Vanity

Louis Vuitton's store in Florence. Too much luxury! Stop Please!

retrò sophisticated b&W

Funny Games for boys

Alice is coming soon.

We still waiting for the last masterpiece of great Tim Burton "Alice in wanderland".

Homophobia is gay!

James Dean and his Rolleiflex.

Palomita (from Planet Terror movie by R.Rodriguez)

another poster from one of my favorite movie from "grindhouse"

venerdì 27 novembre 2009

La Chappelle Excess : "Addicted to Diamonds" (1997)

What a bomb!

LA CHAPPELLE SISTINA: David La Chappelle works

One of the most famous commercial artist of these years. I love his genius.

"DIESEL JEANS COMMERCIAL: "Victory Day 1945" (1994)


"Awakened: Abel" ( 2007)



A great young talent from the web. ( you can find him also on Flickr)
Sensational work, great angle a lightining, marvellous tones and great nudes.

giovedì 26 novembre 2009

Photos on my blog

Hi, this is Nodeva planet.
Good morning.
Here you'll find many kind of shots ; some are taken by me , some are taken from the web. I'm not interested about the authors. Also you can find many works from other kinds of arts. Some are explicit, some are erotics..... The Good Porn?!Maybe another blog is cooming soon.

charming shirtless in photography

The shirtless shot in photography is one of my favourite kind. So expressive and erotic; to the body, the "visage". All reminds at secret and private fantasies.


mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

Drive faster jimmy!

Go Jimmy! Go!


I'm Racoon Zotta!

Scent of woman ( Profumo di Donna)

divine Shot from a web....i really love that kind of shots! Great legs!

Tom: from Finland with love ( extreme love)

Have a drink with these guys!
You'll remember!

Say Hi To Mr. Mercury

He's absolutely terrify. Forever.

martedì 24 novembre 2009


A good Christmas present for your children!;)

The kids (young and senior) love it!

".....J'ai toujours aimé le sexe fort que je trouve legitime d'appeller le beaux sexe. Mes malheurs sont venus d'une société qui condamne le rare comme un crime, e nous obligé a réformer nos penchants."


"Au plus loin que je remonte et meme à l'age où l'esprit n'influence pas encore le sens, je trouve des traces de mon amour
des garcon...."

(J. Cocteau)

lunedì 23 novembre 2009

I will follow you

This is not a forbidden love! Fuck homophobia! Fuck Vatican!

THE RAVEN? Nevermore

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over mani a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore -
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping"

Kill The Raven!


I'm fucking gay! God Damn!

One good trash z horror movie

One of the best horror ever made

Suspiria by Dario Argento

My Little Black Bird

Say Hi to my Little Black Bird

J'adore Manuel.

domenica 22 novembre 2009

Dante. Inferno XIII

"Quando si parte l'anima feroce
dal corpo ond'ella stessa s'è divelta,
Minòs la manda a la settima foce.
Cade in la selva, e non l'è parte scelta;
ma là dove fortuna la balestra,
quivi germoglia come gran di spelta.
Surge in vermena e in pianta silvestra:
l'Arpie, pascendo poi de le sue foglie,
fanno dolore, e al dolor fenestra.
Come l'altre verrem per nostre spoglie,
ma non però ch'alcuna sen rivesta,
chè non è giusto aver ciò ch'om si toglie.
Qui le strascineremo, e per la mesta
selva saranno i nostri corpi appesi,
ciascun al prun de l'ombra sua molesta".